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do you see any patterns?
can you find the pattern?
now it's your turn. How many patterns can you find?
more patterns to drive you's crazy fun! More about these patterns when we learn about multiples. Bet you can't wait!
can you find the pattern?
do you see the pattern?
do you see the pattern?
the golden ratio
the fibonacci sequence
the numerical representation
of the golden ratio
If you divide a line into two parts so that the longer part (a) divided by the smaller part (b) is also equal to the whole length (a + b) divided by the longer part (a) then you will have the golden ratio.
There is only one value that would make a/b equal to (a+b) divided by a. Try out some possibilities to see if you can discover it:
Let us try a=7 and b=3, so a+b=10: 7/3 = 2.333..., but 10/7 = 1.429..., that won't work:
The Golden Ratio is = to 1.618 (lets round to 1.6)
Keep can do it.....
Hi Mona.
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